Today, the Minister for Education, Hon. Aseri Radrodro launched the New MOE Website during the opening of the 2024/25 Pre-Budget Implementation workshop in the presence of Senior Ministry Officials and representatives from the MOE Statutory bodies.
“In the 2024-2025 Budget, a total of $784.1 million has been allocated to the Education Sector and of this, $627.6 million is designated to the Ministry of Education. This Pre-Budget Implementation should be an avenue and platform for all MOE HQ staff together with its Statutory Organizations to fully understand their budget provisions and align their various core activities against the approved budgetary allocations,” said Hon. Radrodro.
“As senior officers, you are to ensure that the roles of your subordinates are clearly articulated to avoid overlapping and duplication. This is to ensure that we minimize waste and are able to work coherently towards meeting the overall goals of the Ministry.”
“You are to ensure that your team hit the ground running from the 1st of August in terms of carrying out all planned activities outlined in our respective Business Plans with the ideology of maintaining the child’s holistic educational development as the top priority of all the work that we do here at the Ministry, as well as the work our statutory partners do for our children.”
While launching the New MOE Website which has recently been developed by the Ministry’s IT Unit the Education Minister stated “The existing MoE website has served its purpose and we must look new and be renewed. The old website had old versions of ICT software and can be easily infected with viruses. Through experience you may have noted its slow accessibility rate, especially with schools located away from the cities and towns.”
The Education Minister stressed that the new MoE Website will now have new features, such as events management, vacancy layout and wordings will be in a highlight format with easy-to-read reference.
The Permanent Secretary, Ms. Kuruleca during her address emphasised that all officers need to realize the vision of MOE and that “we must in our discussions and deliberations, that the activities must be child centered.”
“I challenge you to strategize on how we can hit from 90%-100% progress. We need to work in partnership with the units and seek guidance from the officers in the field in order to succeed. The main purpose of the two days’ workshop is to ensure we work on planning and implementing activities that will amplify the vision of MOE and achieve the Goal of the Coalition Government,” said Ms. Kuruleca.
The 2024 Ministry of Education Pre-Budget Implementation Workshop is in progress at Yatu LAU conference Center Suva for the next 2 days and it will focus on strategies engaged by MOE to utilize the 2024-2025 budget allocation to enhance productivity, inclusivity and build a better educational future for our children in Fiji.